Etix, s.r.o., company was founded in 2002, building on the 10-year experience of the IngMar company on the self–adhesive label market.
From the very beginning we have focused on the development of unconventional smart solutions for product and goods using self–adhesive labels. In early 2003 we launched, as the first company in the Czech Republic, the production of self–adhesive booklet labels and, a few months later, the production of multilayer (sandwich) labels. In subsequent years we have specialised in the development and production of other types of special labels for promotional purposes.
Currently we can offer to our customers a broad variety of self-adhesive labels and tags. In addition to conventional products we offer almost any special solution available in our field.
Díky mnohaletým zkušenostem našich pracovníků a současně unikátním technologickým možnostem dokážeme nabídnout často i nestandardní řešení požadavku. Spokojenost zákazníka je vždy naše priorita. Důkazem může být dlouhodobá spolupráce s několika renomovanými společnostmi v České republice i zahraničí.
Visit us in Brno. Over a cup of good coffee we will be pleased to advise you and to find the best solution to your requirements.